Breakfast for Dinner Song

I wanted to tweak the lyrics and melody, add some instrumentation, but I felt like this particular instance of vulnerability was about to expire. I was in a place to enjoy the messiness for its sincerity. So I pushed 'record.' 

Already I'm embarrassed. Already I regret sharing with the close friends I sent it to this morning, but I'm about to make it public.

Why? Because most of them sent back love, and some of them said they cried. Because even if they all hated it, I think I still would have wanted to share it until someone connected. 

Breakfast for Dinner

I never got dressed today
I never showered
I haven't showered in over three days
But it doesn't matter
Because I slept through them
I woke up at 5 PM

Breakfast for dinner for breakfast

I haven't spoken to another human
Well, except for my choir director
He drives for Lyft and he stopped in my neighborhood
He ate some Jack-in-the-Box
He used my bathroom
We took a selfie and he left

That was yesterday
Today he posted a link to an article
On my Facebook wall
It was called something like
"Loneliness Kills"

I never got dressed today
I texted my dad
He wants to know what I want for my birthday
How 'bout insurance?
'Cause I'm turning twenty-six
And I don't know if you've heard
But there's this new study out
And I guess loneliness kills

I never got dressed today
I got dressed yesterday
To get some groceries, and that was big
Both of those days I was lost and found in music

I cried to Edward Sharpe, Emily Kinney
I cried to Sia, and the PS22 Chorus
Of course to Regina, Fiona, Amanda
I hadn't cried in so long

This is the first song that I've ever written
Amanda, I'm sorry, the melody is yours
I used to think that nobody would listen
Most of my poems are about sick parents
And being fat
And who likes that?

But I feel better now
I'm off to shower
I'm glad you got to see the real me
Next time you see me on-time, wearing lipstick
That's also the real me

Thank you for listening
Thank you for seeing me
Music is healing
And now I'm off to eat
Breakfast for breakfast for breakfast

--the melody is not the same as, but definitely bred from, "Gaga Palmer Madonna" by Amanda Palmer. Thanks and love.

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